Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wave of Contentedness

All is good in my world. Today I took a nap with my dog sleeping on the bed, my new kitten sleeping on my shoulder, and Baby tumbling around in my belly. It's so sweet it's almost sickening.

Other random updates...

Had a good midwife appointment yesterday. Better than last one. I think that I just didn't really "click' with the midwife from the previous appt. Thank god she won't be delivering the baby. Yesterday all was well. I don't even have much to report. I'm just...feeling good. I think the chiropractic appts are helping and everything just feels good. My wrist is starting to hurt some, so the midwife recommended a brace. That helps, but it's awkward, so we'll see. Random fact - everyone (the midwives, chiropractor) keeps commenting on my really strong stomach muscles. It's from horseback riding. Apparently, having strong core muscles is good all of the time except in pregnancy. When the midwife first touched my stomach yesterday she actually thought I was having a contraction at first. Ooops. Oh, and because no midwife appt would be complete without a comment on diet, I learned that I should cut down on the amount of fresh fruit I eat. Only 2 servings recommended per day, due to the amount of sugar in fruit. Damn.

And speaking of my diet, I've been doing so much better lately. Yay for me! I've been focusing on less carbs, more protein, cooking better meals, and packing lunches and snacks. B has been helping me out too by helping to cook more and checking in about what I eat. Don't judge...I asked him to be Big Brother for me. I need it to keep me on track. Because of it, my weight gain slowed this week and I actually went down a pound. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to lose weight, just watch what I eat. It's given me more energy to eat more often and eat healthier.

Our Baby Shower is this Sunday. It will be a co-ed party at the park with very little baby-themed stuff. Just want I wanted. Hopefully the weather holds. I'm really, really excited. Originally, I was going to post about the planning of the Shower, because it was stressing me out how my friend was trying to make it into something I didn't want. But then I just... let go and also did a better job of communicating what I wanted. Now I'm just looking forward to it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Really don't have much else to say. Which is neat because it means that everything is just...going well. I'm surfing along on this wave of contentedness. I hope it lasts.

I'll leave you with some pics...

I hit 30 weeks today! Huge mental milestone for me. I remember looking ahead and thinking 30 weeks was SO far along and somehow an important number in my mind. It feels good.

Bear loves my belly as a perfect resting place to sleep on.

Kitten Photo Montage...


  1. Congrats on 30 weeks! That point definitely feels like the start of the countdown to baby time.

    Cut down on fruit -- pshaw! I eat a lot of it, since I haven't been very into veggies this pregnancy. There are lower-sugar fruits like melons, strawberries, and peaches, if it's something you're going to be concerned about. It's weird to me how obsessed all your midwives seem to be with diet, considering you're within the average weight-gain range (and don't have GD). Aside from reminding me about protein a few times, I don't think mine have talked about food much.

    Bear continues to be adorable! I just love little kitty toes.

    1. You know, I don't think they're obsessed with it because of weight gain, they just want to focus on diet for my overall health, energy, etc. So, they have good intentions, it just gets annoying. I'm not too worried about the fruit...I grew up with in a family that owned a produce company so fruit is kinda a part of me :)

      The kitty toes are the best, aren't they?

  2. Wow. You're being so great about your food intake. I literally eat whatever I want whenever I want. I don't think about carbs or protein or sugar or anything. I just take my vitamins and eat. You're a much better mama than I am.

    I'm glad all is well.

    1. Oh I'm not that good! You should see what I eat. Really. I had homemade mac n cheese for lunch and a chocolate chip cookie with my yogurt for breakfast. And don't you dare say I'm a better mama than you...that is SO not true.

  3. Congrats on the healthy eating! My husband is doing the same thing for me. When he found out that I was supposed to eat cruciferous vegetables every day he managed to get broccoli in our meal plan ALL THE TIME. lol
    Love the pictures. :) Enjoy your shower!

  4. Congrats on 30 weeks :) Your baby shower sounds like it's going to be great! I think my baby shower will be co-ed too. Make sure to post some pics.

    I eat a lot as it is, I wonder what it will be like if I ever get pregnant...

    1. I'm super excited for the shower! Hoping all goes well and everyone has fun :)

  5. Yay congratulations on 30 weeks :) It does sound special. I hope you have fun at your baby showers, hanging out at parks is always the best.
    You are supposed to limit your fruit intake... wow.

    1. Yeah, I know, right? Today I had a nectarine and a banana. So...who knows. Not too worried about it.

  6. Yay for 30 weeks!!

    Only two servings of fruit? Uh oh. I feel like I have been eating way more than two servings...

    Have fun at your baby shower.

  7. I hate the food obsession they have with you - you look great, no bubble butt or any reason to put down the 3rd banana :)
    in all seriousness, I think it's great that you are so content with the world right now. bask in that. At 30 weeks I was in love with being pregnant... not that i'm out of love with it quite yet, but getting darn close. At 30 weeks you are the epitome being of pregnant, all the glory and none of the gook :)
    have a great shower! and your kitty is snuggle-rific!

    1. hahaha thank you for saying that ;) I think the problem is that I've seen 3 different midwives who all have 3 different opinions about food, so I kind of get stuck in the middle.

      Awww...I love how you explain 30 weeks pregnant. I'm just hoping it will last at least another month.

  8. If you don't have gestational diabetes, then don't worry about the sugar content in fruit - all those antioxidants are good for baby!

    You look fantastic. And that little kitten is so stinkin cute, it makes me want another one!

    1. Thank you! I'll take your advice. My glucose levels were really good so I'm not worried at all anymore.

      You SHOULD get another kitten! ;)

  9. Yahoo for 30 weeks!! Have fun at your baby shower this weekend! :)

  10. You look amazing! And I think I need to take cues from you on diet - maybe I need to chill out on all the fresh fruit. And here I thought it was a healthy craving (relatively speaking...)

  11. Good for you on your diet. Now that I'm finally over my morning (all-day) sickness, I have no excuse for eating like crap. Time to get back on the salad train! And that kitty is seriously adorable, I kind of want to gobble HIM up!

  12. Aww, I love your pics! You have such a nice round belly - so cute! I'm glad you're doing well! I hope you had a fun baby shower!!

  13. I know I'm super late in commenting. Sorry!! Way to go on watching your diet last week! So glad you're feeling more energetic. I've noticed that, too!

    Such a cute little kitty!!

  14. You look great! I really like the design on the shirt you are wearing (while snuggling Bear). Super cute!

    I hear ya on the dropping weight thing. My intentions are also not to be LOSING WEIGHT by any means, but after a period of unhealthy eating a month ago, I got my weight back on track about 4 weeks ago by cleaning up my diet and am still down 2.5 pounds (from 4 weeks ago)....but let's just say the baby sure is still growing like a thighs just have gotten a tad less rub-together-ish. Ha! I am shocked about the midwife wanting to limit your fresh fruit intake though. Is that for real??? I eat like 10 servings of fruit per day (I know, it's overkill, but I just live off it!)...they would have some words for me.

    Enjoy your snuggly kitten time. Looks blissful (even though I don't love cats, I actually really like kittens a lot).

    Hope your shower was fun. Can't wait to hear about it.

  15. Oh my gosh, Bear is too much cuteness! He's got a gleam in his eye, though. I bet he gets the kitten crazies!

    I hope your shower was wonderful! You'll have to post a few pics or tell us about it. I bet lots of wonderful baby things showed up! :)

    Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!


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