Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Update - Too Much Information on Bodily Fluids

Just wanted to give you all an update on the two big dramas in my world right now: Operation Labor Watch and Hospital Birth Deliberation.

First of all, in Labor Watch world, after I got home from the hospital on Friday I was feeling crampy and sore, but I think that is to be expected after a cervical check. I then had 2-3 bouts of diarrhea throughout the day and spent the rest of the day sleeping. When I woke up, I felt back to normal. My sister and her boyfriend came over for dinner and all was good. Last night, I'm pretty sure I was having mild contractions, but it's kinda hard to tell when you are half awake and sleeping makes your back and belly hurt no matter what. Then...this morning, woke up the same way as Friday morning. Feeling like I'd had some discharge, thinking it was "probably nothing" (now ask me, why would I think that?) and then finally deciding to get up to go check.

Sure enough blood again. Then I started peeing and a big gush of blood came out. Dark, gross, blackish blood. And when I wiped...mucus plug! Whoa. So, even though I was scared by the initial amount of blood that came out, my theory is that it was old blood blocked by the mucus blog that then came out. So. I woke up B and after examining the contents of the toilet and what was on the toilet paper (somehow all modesty just goes out the window at this point), we decided to calmly get up and pack our hospital bags. I really can't believe I hadn't packed them by now. Maybe unconscious avoidance? So, we did that very calmly and efficiently. And then, about 20-30 minutes later, I checked again and - no blood. None at all. So, think what you will of our decision, but we went back to bed for a few hours. We based this off the back that the hospital had said to come back if I was soaking through a pad in an hour, which I wasn't. Oh, and I should mention baby was playing around in my tummy so I knew he was fine.

I contacted the midwife at a more decent hour (8:00ish) and she agreed with our decision. She told me to take it easy and "not go into labor today." Ha. So then, around noon, I started to feel like I needed to go to the bathroom. Urgently. So I did...more diarrhea (are you sick of knowing about my bodily functions yet?). And....BOOM. The rest of the mucus plug. Disgusting, gross, bloody, mucusy clump of stuff that I still cannot believe came out of my body. And just KEPT coming out. Oh my god so gross. Of course, I showed B (really, no more modesty) and we looked at each other in shock because this baby is coming.

Now, I know that losing your mucus plug could mean you still have a week or so left. So I realize I have some time here. But I just feel like all of these symptoms have been ramping up so quickly, since Thursday been I started feeling off. Basically, stuff is happening here. My mom has been telling me for a month now that she has a "Psychic Feeling" that our baby will be born on the 22nd. I think I'm starting to believe her...

And, in the world of Hospital Birth vs Birth Center? Things are still in limbo there. I've been doing more research in medical articles which supports the idea that I would be just fine in the Birth Center, as my placenta is not within the "high-risk" range and is classified as low risk for vaginal delivery. But what do I know? I'm just reading medical journals like a 1st year med student. So, my midwife called the doctor today when I lost my plug just to confirm what our plan is if I go into labor before my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning (holy crap people that would be...any moment now!) and both the midwife and doctor agreed that we need to think about a hospital birth until we have more information diagnostically. And, I'm ok with that. I like having medical professionals take the decision out of my hands when there are risk factors to consider.

That doesn't mean the Birth Center is out. The doctor said there is a good chance I am still fine to go ahead. She just doesn't want to give the Green Light when we are still fumbling in the dark. So, it could be goodbye luxurious tub, hello hospital socks. But, still not sure. Either way, it looks like we are going to be meeting our baby sometime very soon.

And I have to tell you guys, all of this bleeding and medical debate aside, I am starting to shift gears from peaceful, accepting, excited bliss about going into labor, to a bit of a freak out. When I saw that gunk come out of me this morning it hit me really hard that the next thing to come out of my vagina is going to be a living, breathing baby. Not only is that completely mind-blowing and, I'll admit it, still a bit weird to me in a science-fiction kinda way, but it's also terrifying. Because, there is no going back now. Am I ready emotionally? Am I ready physically? I KNOW I'm not ready according to my to-do list because I just had to clear out my car and freezer before the baby got here. But. Here we are. Once again on a precipice, waiting in limbo. Thrilling and terrifying all at the same time.

I'll keep you all posted!


  1. Wow, things DO seem to really be happening! Sending lots of good thoughts and can't wait for your next update :-)

  2. I'm glad the bleeding stopped!! I'm sorry that you've been having it at all, as I know how scary it is. And it does sound like your little boy will be here any day now. I really hope that you get as close to the birth that you have been dreaming of as possible!

  3. Wow, things really do seem to be on the move! I hope you meet your baby soon! I can't wait to hear how it all happens!

  4. Oh wow, I think baby is coming soon. I hope everything will go well and that everything will be safe. I did not want to write this in my previous comment, not to freak you out, but diarrhea is / can be a sign of labour, and having lost the mucous plug, I think the baby is ready to say hi to you both soon :)

  5. Ahh you are so close! That baby will be making his appearance very soon :)

  6. So exciting!!! I remember everything coming into stark reality when I lost my mucus plug with Little K. It could be any day!!!

  7. Oh boy it sounds like things are moving and shaking in you! Wondering how your dr appt went this morning. It's so exciting!!

  8. agggghhhhh! it's coming it's coming! thinking of you today (and in the next several). looking forward to updates!

  9. Ooh wow. things are moving. good luck lady!


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