Thursday, November 8, 2012

Rainy Day Descanso

My job has been crazy busy lately. I actually like the busyness. I thrive on bouncing from one thing to the next. The only problem is, it doesn't leave any time to catch up on paperwork, phone calls, and other hubris that keeps accumulating. Also, it tires me the hell out. I've been working 12 hour days for the past two weeks. Barely time to talk to my husband at night before it's time to go to bed.

But today I had a reprieve. I have switched my work schedule so I now get Thursdays off (plus the usual Saturday and Sunday). What a luxury! Granted, it means I have to fit 40 hours into 4 days, but I was doing that already!

So how did I spend my first Thursday mini-vacation? I slept in, ran some errands, went for a riding lesson, came home, read a book, drank a beer, and now I'm going to go out for a going-away dinner with some close friends. Ahhhhh. Very, very nice. To top it all off, it was a dark, rainy day (as you can see in the picture) and so everything felt cozy. I turned on the heat for the first time this year (yes, we use heat in Southern California) and I'm curled up on the chaise lounge, drinking my beer and wearing my Ugg boots as I write this. Nice.

In terms of TTC, I feel like things have calmed down a lot. I'm still temping and charting, but not really worried. I'm having a lot of symptoms - cramping in my stomach, sensitive breasts, etc, etc, but no changes yet in my temps. So, I'm just... waiting. At first I was really anxious trying to figure it all out. But now I realized, I'm enjoying this time with my husband and connecting with him in a really intimate, exciting way and I'm ok if I don't get pregnant right away.

Hmm. After I wrote that I had two instant reactions. First, it seems awful to say that when I know there are so many women out there battling infertility that would probably be shocked or hurt or...something to hear me say I'm in no big hurry. But, I hope that they would understand that I am just saying, this will happen when it happens and I'm enjoying the journey to get there. My second reaction was a little more is a little more irrational: I freaked out that I might jinx myself by saying I'm in no hurry. Ha! Superstitious, much?

On an unrelated note, here is a cute Instagram I clicked of a little pony at the barn enjoying the cool, rainy day. He kept chasing the other horses around and squealing like a naughty little boy. I told him he would get himself in trouble, and eventually, he did. He ran so fast on the slick mud that his feet went right out from under him and he fell over. Wish I had gotten a shot of that! But then he got right back up and started causing trouble again. Ha!

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