Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Putting Things In Perspective

So this post will kind of be two posts in one. One is an update on me and where I am in my cycle. The second is about a friend and where she is at in hers.

Post #1: CD1

So I woke up this morning and my temp had plummeted again, all the way down to the lowest pre-O temp. I went into the bathroom and yep, my period has arrived. I keep expecting to have some kind of strong emotional reaction to this, but really the only emotions I'm having are a tiny bit of disappointment, a sense of relief (because of the surgery), and excitement. Excitement because I feel like Cycle 1 was kind of a bust due to having the surgery at 3DPO and now for Cycle 2 and I get to start fresh. Maybe get a Christmas positive pregnancy? Also, on a selfish note, excitement because I can enjoy drinking good wine and food during Thanksgiving this week :)

So for my first cycle off birth control, here's my stats:

35 Days Total.
Ovulation: CD24.
Luteal Phase: 11 Days (started AF on LP12).

Overall, I don't think its too bad considering it's my first natural cycle off birth control in 13 years. Would I like it change somewhat? Sure, I would love to ovulate earlier and I'm a little worried about my luteal phase length. Does anyone know if this may get longer as my body regulates itself more? I know less than 10 is considered worrisome, but how about 11? I'd be happier with 12+....

So that's me. Starting fresh. Back to day one. You can bet I will be welcoming in Cycle 2 with a glass of wine tonight :)

Post #2: 9 Flowers

The second post is for my friend. While I am just starting Cycle 2, she is on 2 years of trying and fighting a variety of infertility-related diagnoses. I mentioned her earlier in a post and her story just continues to amaze me. Watching her struggle with this, watching her grace and strength as she and her husband try to make difficult decisions and choices...it is powerful. I know that her story may seem no different (and yet it is unique) than many of the other women on infertility blogs and forums, but it is closer to me and therefore more present for me.

So why am I posting about this today?

Well, this month is her first cycle of IVF. She will be having egg retrieval next Monday and is going through more than I can imagine this week. So yesterday I received a group email from her to all of her friends, asking us to make a bouquet of 9 flowers, to represent her 9 follicles that she is attempting to grow. She admitted it seems a little cheesy, but asked us all to watch the flowers and think of her. I thought it was really, really sweet.

When I emailed her the photo of my flowers, I admitted to her that I had cheated somewhat and recycled flowers from all of the bouquets I received after surgery (Hey, you guys know how busy I am!). But I actually kind of like the idea of sharing love and combining flowers from different bunches to make a special one just for her.

So, here you go. If anyone wants to send some thoughts out for these little blooms, I'm sure it would be appreciated.


  1. This definitely is a fresh start for you! Fingers crossed you get a Christmas surprise!! :)

    Such a thoughtful post about your friend. I have a few friends who have been successful with IVF and I hope your friend is too. Those are beautiful flowers too btw. :)

  2. Sorry about AF. I do think it's possible your cycles could change in the next few months so you ovulate earlier and have a longer LP.


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